"...and, by the dog, gentlemen of the jury---for I must tell you the truth..." --Apology, 21e

Monday, June 20, 2005

"With the Cold War long over, Moon’s purposes are no longer necessarily compatible with the aims of American conservatives or the United States government. If his newspaper promotes a hard line toward North Korea, the would-be messiah and his commercialized church have pursued a very different policy -- and they have done so from within the newspaper itself. Given Moon’s propensity for what many ex-disciples have called “heavenly deception,” the doctrine that God must fight Satan’s deception with righteous lies, the paper’s editorial policy may merely serve as a diversion from his self-serving ties with North Korea."

-from the American Prospect (via Eschaton)

"This country desperately needs a God-centered president, senators and congressmen. America's intellectual establishment is liberal, godless, secular, humanistic, and anti-religious. We are declaring war against three main enemies: godless communism, Christ-less American liberalism, and secular-humanistic morality. They are the enemies of God, the True Parents, the Unification Church, all of Christianity, and all religions. We are working to mobilize a united front against them."

-Rev. Sun Myung Moon, August 29, 1985 {via}

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