"...and, by the dog, gentlemen of the jury---for I must tell you the truth..." --Apology, 21e

Thursday, January 20, 2005

"No doubt it has something to do with a deep-seated personality defect, or maybe a kink in whatever blood vessel that leads into the pineal gland...On the other hand, it might easily be something as simple and basically perverse as whatever instinct it is that causes a jackrabbit to wait to the last possible second to dart across the road in front of a speeding car."

"People who claim to know jackrabbits will tell you they are primarily
motivated by Fear, Stupidity, and Craziness. But I have spent enough time in
jackrabbit country to know that most of them lead pretty dull lives; they are
bored with their daily routines: eat, fuck, sleep, hop around a bush now and
then....No wonder some of them drift over the line into cheap thrills once in a
while; there has to be a powerful adrenalin rush in crouching by the side of
a road, waiting for the next set of headlights to come along, then streaking out
of the bushes with split second timing and making across to the other side
just inches in front of the speeding front wheels."

- Fear and Loathing: On The Campaign Trail '72

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