"...and, by the dog, gentlemen of the jury---for I must tell you the truth..." --Apology, 21e

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

As promised, here is footage of my yet to be born daughter:
Annabelle Marie Lynn

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As some of you know, I have enslaved a number of gnomes who keep track of what exactly is going down with this webpage. For one, they tell me what Google searches lead here. Straight from the gnomish mouth:

1. "We will win, Condolezza"

2. dick clit.

3. Wittgenstein and Why Wolves Eat Lambs

4. clits on steroids

and my personal favorite

5. "complete goatse"

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

There are Russian links now. Also other things.
Star Jones is everything to everyone.
who the fuck is star jones

Monday, May 28, 2007


Dear Madam,

I have recently rediscovered your wonderful personal web page. I could compliment you all day about the minutiae of this incredibly adequate site, but I have only so much time in the day for such activities. Acknowledging the many virtues of you and your web page must be left for another day or, perhaps if necessary, a series of days having no not-acknowledging-the-virtue-of-you-and-your-homepage days in between them. Let me then get to the point.

You openly proclaim on the header of your homepage that you are author of the only dictionary that defines 'Star Jones'. I believe this claim to be false. Let me explain to you my reasons for thinking so:

  1. Though I cannot show it to be correct beyond all possibility of doubt, it seems prima facie unlikely that the claim that no one besides you yourself has authored a dictionary that defines 'Star Jones'. We must accept then that unless you are able to provide some strong evidence in favor of your claim, we should [with a looming though appropriate sense of our own fallibility] go on as though your claim were false.
  2. Furthermore, I believe I can prove beyond the need for considering all but the most damning contrary evidence that your claim is false, that you are not in fact the only dictionary that defines 'Star Jones'. Consider that you, though author of many books, has never in fact written a dictionary alone or on a team of lexicographers. That this is so is easy enough to establish. The following web page lists all the books you have ever been involved with in any authorial capacity. [Link] No dictionary is to be found on the list. So not only do you need establish that no one else has written a dictionary that defines 'Star Jones', you must also produce evidence that you are in fact an author of such a dictionary.
  3. Let it readily granted that the list could possibly be incomplete. But as the author of all of the books you have authored, you can without problems correct the list of any such mistakes. But to prove yourself, you must correct not just any mistake [i.e., present just any book authored by you but not on the list], you must also correct the mistake by means of presenting a dictionary authored by you or by a team of lexicographers of which you are one member.

These are the facts. I await your response.

With the utmost collegiality and sternest sincerity, I must take my leave.

Colonel J. P. Bourbon, Esq.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I don't know how up-to-date this is, but I think
one can't go wrong here:

Request Dirt Cheap on KISS 101.9

You can request to hear Dirt Cheap on Jonesboro's 101.9 KIYS FM!

Tell'm you wanna hear "Call It Clean" or "Hula Hoop" by your boys, Dirt Cheap!

Request Line: (870) 931-0101

Saturday, May 19, 2007

in response to your comment, Mr. Bweneum, things are going great for me at this juncture. sorry i didn't look you up when i was in town, i was just so busy running everywhere. i should be back in the metro either 3rd week of june or 2nd week of july. i just want a certain level of flow before i come back. how's things in your neck of the land?

Friday, May 18, 2007

Had a great (but short) week on the Buffalo.

This is just below Kyle's Landing:

This is just below Pruitt:

Just a bit up river at the Hwy. 7 bridge I caught a nice smallmouth bass
and a bit above that saw a good sized wild turkey.

This is the mouth of the Little Buffalo River, where it runs in
halfway between Pruitt and Hasty:

These two are halfway between Mt. Hersey and Woolum:

I camped here my last night out. In the woods behind my site I spotted
three deer. There was also a family of Ozark Big Eared Bats that live in a cave on the bluff.
I watched them chase the mayfly's and mosquitos while I counted
the stars as they came out. It was refreshing to see some
constellations other than the Big Dipper and Orion.

Saw numerous Cedar Waxwings, Blue and Green Herons,
some Pileated Woodpeckers, two ducks, six snakes,
and lots of turtles.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Things will just never be the same without you, Jerry.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Just in from OB/GYN. We're having a little girl. In Utero footage to follow once i transfer the file. Good Things!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

somewhere in asia.
I think the drinking is slowing down somewhat.
hegel only knows how i'm gonna handle this.
I'm quite fond of planes and nico...

Street Sense won last week,
for those of you interested.