"...and, by the dog, gentlemen of the jury---for I must tell you the truth..." --Apology, 21e

Monday, October 17, 2005

Sorry for being away, but I've been busy with papers, sinus infections, and levee bombing conspiracies. Thanks to Netflix, I've just seen the scariest movie ever made: cerebral palsy, wrestling, date rape, suicide, AIDS, Jesus, Halloween, and private school (oh my!). Better still, it's a documentary!


It's more disturbing than bear porn!

Does anyone else hope that these sites are just fronts for fifty-year-old perverts?

My next mission is a letter to Oprah Winfrey convincing her to have Stedman pimp slap Ann Coulter.


J said...

"Well, the period of depression came and gone. It peaked on August 25, 2005. Thank goodness my hunbun was there to get me through. Well, I just resolved to try even harder. *sigh* I really hope I reach the Dean’s List cut off this semester…"

There's no hope, dude, this shit's for real.

Colonel Bourbon said...

That movie is now on my queue.