"...and, by the dog, gentlemen of the jury---for I must tell you the truth..." --Apology, 21e

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dear J,

Picked up some glamour shots for you. Here's the real deal. A few Fixer-Upers in slide show form should tide you over for a few minutes, and now I shall begin the random pic grab bag: blert, snorkle, 5, again, hippies, 9684, 11234, 4893430, zzzzzzzzzzzzz, 84239472198, huh, jkfdsf, fowehef, ewnfwefn, aaa.

Soon...soon... NOW!!! (torrent)


Barbara Bush


J said...

the sheer volume here should disturb me but it doesn't. Dr. Mahat appreciated the Long Jean Silver but then banned us from using his computer ever again.

¿Spatüla?! said...

Well then, sir; I believe it was worth it!