"...and, by the dog, gentlemen of the jury---for I must tell you the truth..." --Apology, 21e

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Before you get a tattoo, you should acquaint yourself with others' mistakes.


J said...

Maybe if they were all compiled onto the body of One overweight middle american....

I do believe I'll be working on a drawing for quite a while before I ever get one. probaby do the sharpie thing for a week, too, just to make sure.

Then again, at the last minute I could very likely just go in for a few more piercings...

Colonel Bourbon said...

Or you could get a full back tattoo of Colonel Sanders flexing his muscles, which are showing in various places of his ripped white suit.

J said...

sounds like a good one for the fore-head. remember the dancing lady on that kids arm on nickalodeon?