"...and, by the dog, gentlemen of the jury---for I must tell you the truth..." --Apology, 21e

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Well, my first day of law classes went alright. Unfortunately after hearing how many people in the class are born again christians (what was wrong the first time they were born?) I feel like this ordeal is going to be more of a defensive action against the people I'm forced to share this planet with and less like something I'm going to be doing for pleasure. I hope this changes and I suspect that it will. In the meantime I'm going to finish that damn Hobbes book and try not to remember just how damn fucked up the average american really is. I think I might get a tattoo and listen to a lot of Skynyrd as well. They seem to be helping a great deal and thinking about ink has got my drawing juices flowing a little again.

Here is a 50,000 ft long Hermit Crab from outer space
that is going to eat you and all of your offspring.

This is the view off of the back porch of where we stayed.

This is the gulf side of the island. Out on the horizon were some exxon-mobile rigs, leading to lots of thoughts of gene and the song 'Friggin on the Riggin'.

This is the teeth of the dead baby shark I found our first morning there. Unfortunately it is over-exposed.

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